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Svetlana Eganian

Jury member 

 Svetlana Eganian was educated at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow  by prestigious teachers such as Bella Davidovich  and  Zinaida Ignatieva, a disciple of the legendary Samuel Feinberg. She successfully  obtained the four first prizes  with distinction (soloist, chamber musician, teacher and accompanist- partner of opera singers) appraised by prominent  jury members of the Russian school as Tatiana Nicolaeva, Dmitrii Bashkirov, Evgenii Malinin, Lev Naumov, Serguei Dorenski ... 
She moved to France and since then teaches at the National Conservatory of Music and Dance of Lyon.

Svetlana Eganian was for several years Artistic  Director  of the Music Academy « Alizés »in Rabat, Morocco and conducts an  educational and artistic activities also in Guadeloupe, Marie Galante and Martinique


She is also invited as a jury member or president of jury in international piano competitions in France,Belgium, Portugal,Germany, Lithuania, Russie, Ukraine, Italy, Spain. President and Artistic Director of the G.C.I.P Competition, created in1986, founder and Artistic Director of International Piano Competition in Lyon, created in 2009, President and Artistic Director together with Philippe Raskin of International Music Festival and competition in Paris , created in 2018 ,she continued her concert career and performed  with her faithful partners such as Mark Drobinsky (cello),Georges Wanis (tenor),François Durand ( viola),Yolande Gallay-Kouznetsov (for the repertoire of pianos duet ) in France and abroad .

Her various recordings have been praised by the press:
"... Impeccable virtuosity, her  impressive technique, coupled with clarity of vision and high sensitivity, allow her to go deep in the soul of the works ..."

« Epic when it’s necessary, always lyrical, she knows how tomaintain the mystery (...) »


 '' The clarity of the plans, the freshness and vitality of the interpretation and the subtlety of the touch are worth listening (...) ''

Michel Le Naour – « The World of Music » and after a recital devoted to A.Scriabine Philippe Andriot  wrote in the All-Lyon:
"... The virtuoso showed an unusual technique, made of fluidity and transparency. Her major quality, exceptional purity of style, allows the summits too little known like the eighth sonata to reach a power of seduction able to touch the less initiated public ... " Philippe Andriot -Le tout Lyon

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