Young Piano Stars

Massimiliano Valenti
Jury member
The artistry of Massimiliano Valenti cannot be described in modest terms. He is immediately distinguished by his grande attitude and non compromising devotion to [Horace’s motto: “there is a middle ground in everything”].
It is not very common to attend a piano concert and be so captivated to the extent that one loses sense of reality. An audience will be captured by Valenti’s bodily expressions where he becomes in total unison with the piano allowing the music to flow through his emotions rhythmically. His hands multiply, and with absolute technical mastery, he takes on even more complex tangles of notes with self-confidence, resulting in a clear melodic stream. He delves into the keyboard as well as into the depths of the soul. He draws crystalline sounds like spring water along with griever and profound sounds in a kaleidoscope of colours ranging from the tonal touch to the exasperated expression as 'The Scream by Munch ".
Massimiliano Valenti began his studies at age of 4 graduated with honors under the guidance of prof. Mariapia Tricoli at the "V. Bellini" Musical Institute in Catania. He furthered his potential in Germany with the masters Paul Buck in Stuttgart, and later on in Monaco with the scholar Gerhard Oppitz . In 2000 he met Maestro Aldo Ciccolini in Paris with whom he begins an in-depth analysis of the French repertoire and finally in Romania with Diana Apan. Other Masters who have also contributed to his development are Sandra Stojanovich, Oxana Yablonskaja, Marian Mika, Luigi Mostacci , Massimiliano Damerini and Dana Borsan. At a very young age Valenti won numerous national and international competitions in all parts of Italy. Thus he began a brilliant concert activity which led him to perform in Festivals in main Italian cities : Turin, Genoa , Milan, Brescia, Stresa, Venice, Reggio Emilia, Ravenna, Padua, Bologna, Rome, Cosenza, Senigallia, Palermo, Catania and others. In 2004, after his debut in Brasov,he is invited to perform at the Banatul Philharmonic of Timisoara and Sibiu, European Capital of Culture at that time, at the International Festival " Carl Filtsch " in the State Philharmonic.
Progressively he obtains appreciation from the international scene, performing at Festivals in prestigious European and overseas halls including: Berlin, Vienna, London, Edinburgh, Barcelona, Porto, Leon, Detroit, Baltimore, Toronto, Montreal and Seoul. Since 2016 he has big tounèe in the best theaters of China and Japan and is also a permanent guest of the Important Chinese Music Academy and Music Universities. However he is regularly invited to give courses of Advanced Piano in Italy and abroad including : the University of Aveiro Music Conservatory of Oporto , the University of Virginia Tech, Radford and Greenville , the Department of Music in Timisoara, the National University of Music in Seoul, Jerusalem Conservatory, Shanghai Conservatory.
He is also frequently invited to be part of the jury in National and International piano contests in Italy and abroad. His programs, span all works for keyboard which comprehends the classical period, romantic and modern with a particular predilection for avant-garde music. Massimiliano Valenti does not follow the score but he dominates it through his reading of the music which grasps the most hidden movements. His personality is expressed through sound refinement and endless colours that are not written on paper but are set alive in the music halls: "It is not enough to follow the score, but you must master it all to render adequately the enthusiasm and the recollections”.
He continuously manages to astonish and amaze his audience, who cannot but feel immediately overwhelmed by his stage presence. A presence only great artists are able to produce, the real ones , who transcend from superficial acrobatic techniques or artificial exhibitionists, aiming to the true and profound nature of the music.